Little Elm Pest Control Rodent Removal (469) 609-7287 — Rapid Rodent Removal

The Rapid Rodent Removal Company

Our Rodent Control Specialists provide Trapping and Removal, Decontamination Services, and Entry Prevention and Repair at a Lower Price than our Competitors. We are fully Licensed, Bonded, and Insured which allows us to provide Guaranteed Great  Customer Service.



Rodent Control Service

Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent & Animal Control problems.  
Don't  buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Customized Rodent Removal Plan today. 

Rats and Mice In Attic - Infestation

Heard or Found Rodents in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Infestation. Our Rodent Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations.

Rat Mouse Wildlife Removal

Our Friendly Wildlife Specialists will identify the problem areas while providing customer education. Our Customized Step-by-Step Approach to re-establishing rodent control in and around your home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely remove animals and follow up on our work.


Rodent Removal Cost

Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us! We will not only Match Any Competitors Quote but we will beat it by 10% ! Guaranteed. Plus, get Follow-Up visits at no extra cost.

Rapid Rodent Removal (469)609-7287



Rapid Rodent Removal (469)609-7287


ABOUT Rapid rodent removal -

Rapid Rodent Removal - East is the #1 choice for Wildlife Removal Experts.
Our Rodent Control Specialists provide Trapping & Removal, Decontamination Services, and Entry Prevention & Repair at a Lower Price than our competitors. We are fully Licensed, Bonded, and Insured which allows us to guarantee Great Customer Service.

We are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide you with peace of mind around the clock so don't wait! Call now for a Rapid Rodent Removal Wildlife Expert to solve your problem!

Servicing :



Rat Trapping, Rat Removal, Rat Control,Rodent Removal, Rodent Control, Rodent Trapping, Mouse Removal, Mouse Control, Mouse Trapping, Squirrel Trapping, Squirrel Control, Squirrel Removal, Raccoon Removal, Raccoon Trapping, Raccoon Control, Opossum Trapping, Opossum Removal, Opossum Control


                        CUSTOM RODENT REMOVAL PLAN

When Rapid Rodent Removal sends a Wildlife Expert out to your home, he doesn't come with a one-size-fits-all plan to offer you. Our Experts will conduct a thorough Home Inspection of your attics, crawl spaces, and exterior of your house in order to assess the problem and find possible solutions. We will take into account all presenting evidence found in and around your home and factor in your reports of sounds, smells, sightings, etc., in order to formulate a Custom Rodent Removal Plan that includes:

  • Resolving the Wildlife Problem

  • Sanitizing and Deodorizing Your Home

  • Repairing any damage to wires, ducts, interior walls, insulation, etc.

  • Preventing future issues by sealing up any possible entry points on the exterior of your home

  • Providing Customer Education throughout the entire process to empower you to maintain rodent control on your property

Here's a look into the mind of our experts and a sneak peek at what you will see when they arrive at your door:


Rapid Rodent Removal



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Do you need a Rat Removal Exterminator ?



Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent Control & Animal Control problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Rat Removal Plan today. 


Our Friendly Dallas Rat Exterminator Specialists can identify the Problem Areas while providing customer education. Our Individualized Step-by-Step approach to Re-establish Rat Control in or around Your Home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely Remove Animals and follow up on our work.



Heard or Found Rats in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Animal in the Attic Infestation. Our Rat Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations. 

Looking for the BEST rodent control PRICE ?

Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us!  
Click for info on
 Squirrel Removal if you think the sound you hear isn't rats.




getting rid of roof rats fast!


One of your first indications of a rat infestation may be the appearance of pellet-sized dropping in your home and attic. These feces are a good indicator of how long your problem has been there, with fresh droppings appearing very dark and soft. After 4-5 days, the droppings will lose their color and harden. While there are 40 – 50 species of mice and roof rats in Texas alone, you are most likely to find Roof Rats and/or Norway Rats causing problems in and around your home. Rats can be incredibly destructive house guests, creating problems seen and unseen, such as:

  • Destroying the insulation in your attic

  • Leaving feces and urine in your attic and walls

  • Chewing on wires and ducting in your attic

  • Spreading diseases to you, your family, and your pets

Because of their prolific breeding habits and their destructive nature, it is important to have any rat problem taken care of immediately. Call us now for a free inspection of your home.

(469) 609 - RATS


HEALTH RISKS from rats

Contamination of food and disease transmission are two major concerns with rat infestations. Rats will contaminate your food with feces and urine while searching for something to eat which transmits diseases to humans and pets. Rat mites, fleas and lice can also carry diseases and will infect animals and people.

The CDC lists several rodent-transmitted diseases, including:

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

  • Murine typhus

  • Rat-bite fever

  • Leptospirosis

  • Eosinophilic meningitis

  • Several bacterial infections including Salmonella and Listeriosis

Control of rats and eradication of infestations should decrease the chance of exposure to these diseases and reduce the risk of infection.


RATs in your home or walls? 

Rats are nocturnal creatures, so most people who have a rat infestation report hearing squeaking, scratching, gnawing, and digging noises at night. These sounds often come from the attic due to the rats burrowing in the insulation to nest, however, it is not uncommon to hear the noises in your walls, kitchen, laundry rooms, garage, and in the areas where pet food is stored.

Rats access your attic in search of a warm, quiet, safe place to nest and reproduce. Once a rat has taken up residency inside your attic the problem can quickly get out of hand. A female rat can have 6-12 babies per litter and have up to 7 litters a year. A baby rat reaches sexual maturity at just 2-3 months. This means that in the span of a year, one pair of rats can produce up to 15,000 descendants.

Rats are omnivores and will feed on almost anything available to them. Pet food can be a huge draw for rodents of all types so it is important to keep it in tightly sealed containers. They typically leave their nests at night in search of food, feeding on plants, nuts, seeds, berries, vegetables, meats, and fruits.

A rat’s teeth continue to grow throughout their lifetime, so rats will gnaw on anything around them to grind their teeth down. This is why rats will chew through wires in your attic, behind your refrigerator, washer and dryer, or inside your walls. They will also chew through your duct work in your attic in search of heat in the winter or cool air in the summer. This increases the chance of spreading airborne diseases through your house and also increases your monthly heating and cooling bill depending on the size of the hole they have chewed.

If you’re hearing rodent activity inside your walls or attic, it’s important to call and schedule an inspection. Our trained inspectors will be able to determine if or how bad the infestation is and the best rat removal approach. Don’t be afraid, we haven’t adopted the one-sized-fits-all mentality plaguing other companies in the rodent removal industry. Rapid Rodent Removal utilizes experience and a personalized approach to reestablish rat control in your home and property. Call Now to schedule a free inspection. 

The rats elimination exterminator getting rid and disposal of rats

he sensory systems of the rat are different from our own. The way a rat perceives the world is therefore going to be radically different from how we perceive the same scene. The animal's perception of its surrounding world is called its ümvelt. What is the rat's ümvelt like?

How does the rat perceive his world?

In the realm of vision, a human's vision is much better than a rat's. Humans see three colors (blue, green and red) at high saturation levels, while rats probably perceive just a hint of ultraviolets, blues and greens. Our vision is quite sharp; we can see long distances and have good depth perception. A rat's vision, however, is quite blurry especially more than a few feet away, and its depth perception is poor.

In every other domain, however, the rat's senses are far more sensitive than our own!

A rat perceives its immediate environment with its whiskers, through its sense of touch. The rat whisks its whiskers back and forth dozens of times per second, brushing them against the floor, objects, walls, other rats. The rat gains a highly detailed picture from this tactile exploration: the rat's whiskers are more sensitive than our own fingertips.

The rat lives in a rich, complex world of smell. We can hardly imagine what such a world is like, our sense of smell is so impoverished. But every surface, every object, every whiff of air, contains different smells and information for a rat.

A rat's hearing is more sensitive than our own, it picks up softer sounds than we can and detects much higher frequencies, into the range of ultrasound.

Lastly, not only is the rat's sensory perception different from our own, but the features of the environment that the rat notices and considers important are going to be very different from the features we notice and consider important. The way the rat interacts with the environment will be different too. When we look into a room, we see chairs to sit on, desks and tables to write and type and eat on, beds to lie on, monitors to watch and keyboards to touch. To a rat, a room offers hiding places under filing cabinets and bed frames; attractive runs along floor edges; climbing spots up bookcases, chair legs, and beds; books to chew; fabric to shred for bedding; small items of food to eat; and vast new places to explore on top of desks and tables.

Information about roof rat norway rats the house mouse and other rodent control and pest managment  frequently asked questions

How does the rat's nose work?

Air enters the rat's nostrils and flows past a patch of skin rich with smell receptors called the olfactory epithelium. Here are olfactory neurons, which are tipped with little hair-like cilia that project into a thin bath of mucus at the cell surface. Odor particles in the air, called odorants, bind to special receptors on the cilia of the olfactory neurons, and their binding triggers a neural response that shoots up to the brain.

Incredibly, there are between 500 and 1,000 types of olfactory receptors, coded for by between 500 and 1,000 genes! That is a staggering number of genes, about 1% of the rat's DNA. That means that in rats, one in every 100 genes is involved in the detection of odors. This jaw-dropping number of genes involved in olfaction gives an idea of how important the sense of smell is to a rat!

Why we decontaminate 

Rats have a second way to detect odors, called the vomeronasal organ, or VNO. The VNO in mammals is situated in a pouch off the nasal cavity. In rats, the VNO is located in a cigar-shaped passage in the floor of the nasal cavity, right next to the septum, with a narrow opening just inside the nostril. This dead-end position means that air can't flow into it, like the olfactory epithelium of the nose. When rats sniff and lick, molecules from the environment stick to the moist nose and dissolve, and are then transported to the VNO suspended in mucus. The VNO dilates and constricts to pump the odor-bearing liquid inside rapidly 

The vomeronasal organ primarily detects pheromones, chemical signals transmitted between members of the same species. It specializes in nonvolatile chemicals found in the urine and other secretions. 

The VNO is critical in chemical communication between animals -- mate attraction, courtship, copulation, aggression, and parental care are all mediated by the VNO

Courtship and mating behavior

Chemical signals are essential for the proper performance of courtship and mating behavior (Larsson 1971). For example, if males don't have access to information from their nose or vomeronasal organ, they cannot mate. Visual and auditory cues are not enough (Sachs 1997). Sexually experienced males may get by with either the nose or the VNO, but inexperienced males are severely impaired if their VNO is hampered. If the VNO is removed in female mice, male odor no longer accelerates puberty, adult females no longer influence each others' estrus cycles, and foreign males no longer cause miscarriage in recently impregnated females (Meredith, of FSU). Female odor also enhances sperm production in dominant males, but not in subordinates (Koyama 2000). Females require olfactory cues for normal reproductive behavior as well (Aron 1979).


Olfaction is used in aggression, too. Lactating mother rats, who usually display increased aggression toward strange adult rats, do not do so if their sense of smell is impaired. Male rats usually display some aggression toward each other, and this inter-male aggression is normally increased if they can smell a receptive female. However, if the males' sense of smell is impaired, they become less aggressive toward each other and there is little increase in aggression when they are presented with the odor of a receptive female.


Odor is critical for newborn animals, as they locate their mother's teats through smell. After birth, mothers spread their amniotic fluid onto their teats, and the infants crawl toward the familiar smell and latch on to the nipples. If the mother is prevented from licking and spreading the secretions on herself, the babies cannot find her teats, but they can find her teats again if the mother's saliva or amniotic fluid is brushed back on. A few days later, the pups are attracted to the smell of their own saliva. Wash the nipple and they stop suckling, spread infant saliva around and they nurse again.

Maternal behavior

Odor is critical for maternal behavior. Impair a mother's sense of smell, and her parental care decreases drastically, leading to the death of many of her pup

Rodent pest control information about burrowing , droppings, infestations reproduction and diseases

What sounds can a rat hear?

Humans can hear sounds from about 16 to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz)*. Anything above 20 kHz is called "ultrasound," because those sounds are higher than we can hear. Anything below 20 Hz is called infrasound -- elephants communicate over miles with low, rumbling infrasound (more).

Rats can hear ultrasound: the range of the rat's hearing is around 200 Hz to 80 or 90 kHz . There is a whole world of high frequency sound out there that rats can hear that we cannot, a perceptual difference that humans tend to forget (Milligan et al. 1993, Sales et al. 1998).

For example, when a human gently rubs thumb and forefinger together, we hear nothing. But this movement makes a scratchy sound in the ultrasonic range. Wire cages make a lot of ultrasonic noise in addition to audible noise when rats move around in them.

Here are some of the frequency ranges that are perceptible to other species:

  • Dogs: up to 40,000 Hz

  • Cats: 100 to 60,000 Hz

  • Bats: 1,000 to 100,000 Hz

  • Dolphins: up to 150,000 Hz

More information about rat elimination from rats exterminators on removing rats

Wait How fast ?
Postpartum conception is a subject of great interest to rat owners. For example, some new rat owners are surprised by an unexpected litter. Their presumed same-sex pair of rats is actually a male-female pair! Such owners wish to know how quickly they should separate their rats to avoid another litter.

How soon can a female conceive another litter after giving birth?

The answer is soon! Females go into heat between about 10 and 24 hours after giving birth. Specifically, females go into heat on the first evening that is at least 10 hours after giving birth. This phenomenon of coming into heat shortly after giving birth is called postpartum estrus.

However, eggs fertilized during a female rat's postpartum estrus may not implant right away, due to a lactation-induced delay. Female rats that conceive during their postpartum estrus may therefore go through an extended gestation of about 32 days (+-1 day) rather than the normal 21-22 days. To the rat owner, it looks like the female conceived about 10 days after giving birth, when in fact she conceived shortly after birth but simply had a longer pregnancy than normal.

After the postpartum estrus, the female rat does not come into heat again until after the weaning of her litter. This estrus is called the postweaning estrus and it occurs about 29 days after a female rat gives birth.


Rats are basically blind

The rat's world is very blurry. Visual acuity is measured in cycles per degree (cpd), a measurement of the number of lines that can be seen as distinct within a degree of the visual field. Acuity of humans is about 30 cpd, normally pigmented rats is 1 cpd, and 0.5 for albino rats. If we translate Prusky's cpd measurements into vision chart measurements, a normally pigmented rat has about 20/600 vision, and an albino rat has about 20/1200 vision.

Depth of focus: Combined with poor visual acuity, rats have an enormous depth of focus. Depth of focus is the range of distances at which an object is in equivalent focus for an unaccomodated eye. In humans, the depth of focus is from 2.3 meters to infinity. In rats, the depth of focus is from 7 centimeters to infinity, which may be due to the small size of the rat's eye and its poor acuity

Rats have eyes on either side of their heads. This allows for a large field of vision but less binocular vision.

Specifically, the position of the eyes on the head represents a tradeoff between field of vision and binocular vision, which is used in binocular depth perception. Laterally-placed eyes (on either side of the head) scan separate portions of the world, and the field of vision at any one point of time is enormous. Because this position allows the animal to detect threats from many directions at once, it is most common in prey animals (think eyes in the front ready to hunt eyes on the side run and hide.).

Eyes placed on the front of the head have much more overlap. This means a smaller visual field, but more binocular vision. Depth perception is useful for predators who need to coordinate their movements to capture prey, so predators often have forward-facing eyes (think raptors, cats, dogs etc.).

Here's how binocular vision provides depth perception. Each eye sees a slightly different image. The closer an object is, the more different it will look to either eye. The brain processes the disparity between the two images and this provides a sense of depth. Also, focusing on a nearby object makes the eyes converge slightly, and the brain uses information from the eye muscles to calculate how far away the object must be. So, the move overlap between the visual fields of the two eyes, the more binocular depth perception.

Rats don't have as much overlap as we do: their field of binocular vision is only about 76º, while ours is about 105º. Therefore, rats have a larger field of vision than we do but poorer binocular depth perception.

Do wild rats carry rabies?

Are wild rats ever found to carry rabies?

Very few rats infected with rabies have ever been found in the United States. The literature on rodent rabies in the United States found that during the 18-year period of 1953 and 1970, a small number of rabid rats (39 rats) were found in the United States. The numbers were extremely small: only 11 rabid rats were found in the U.S. during the three year period of 1953-1955. The number of rabid rats declined during the period of time covered by the review, and by the three year period of 1968-1970 only 2 rats were found to be rabid. This decline in the number of rabid rats is probably due to an improvement in diagnostic techniques which led to fewer false positives. In Thailand, 4.7% of Norway rats (9 rats out of 192) were found to be carrying rabies.

However, no rats were found to be infected with rabies in surveys of wild rat populations.

Have rats ever caused rabies in humans?

Rats and other small rodents have never caused a single case of human rabies in the United States (CDC).

A very few cases of humans infected with rabies by rats have been reported in countries such as Poland, Israel, Thailand and Surinam. In Poland, out of 9,998 cases of human rabies from 1990 to 1994, four were caused by rats (0.04%), while the vast majority were caused by foxes (Zmudziñski and Smreczak 1995, described in Wincewicz 2002). In Israel, one case of human rabies was caused by a bite from a small rodent -- possibly a rat or mouse (Gdalevich et al. 2000). In Thailand, out of 7,000 human rabies cases reported each year, 1% are caused by rat bites (Kamoltham et al. 2002). The majority of rabies cases in Thailand are caused by dogs (86.3%) (Pancharoen et al. 2001). An outbreak of paralytic rabies in children in Surinam was attributed to rat bites (Verlinde et al 1975).

Why is rabies so rare in rats?

The answer is unclear. Currently, it is presumed that rats are so small that they almost never survive the attack of a larger rabid animal, like a raccoon, skunk, or fox.

Do wild rats carry the plague?

The plague bacterium is maintained at low, steady levels (called enzootic infection) in just a few species of rodent hosts, such as Microtus spp. (voles), and Peromyscus spp. (deer mice, white-footed mice, Texas mice, cotton mice etc.). Some populations of these species are resistant to the plague and therefore form a reservoir from which outbreaks can occur in other species. Other non-rodent species have been found serologically positive to the plague as well (e.g. bears, bobcats, badgers, fox, ringtails, skunks, mountain lion, deer, African elephant, African buffalo).

The plague bacterium, Yersinia pestis, is transmitted from one animal to another by the flea. An outbreak occurs when infected fleas change host species and unload large numbers of plague bacteria onto a new, less resistant host species. In the United States, these new hosts serve as amplifying (epizootic) hosts, and they include rock squirrels, California ground squirrels, antelope ground squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, woodrats, and less resistant populations of Microtus and Peromyscus. In urban areas, these hosts include the ship rat (Rattus rattus) and the Norway rat. Different species of flea may become involved in an outbreak, including the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), the squirrel flea (Oropsylla montana), and the human flea (Pulex irritans). The plague is therefore carried by many different rodent species. However the rat, because it lives in close proximity to humans, has been most frequently associated with plague outbreaks in people.

Rats are not resistant to the plague, so an outbreak of the plague in rats is associated with large rat die-offs. Infected rats usually die within a few days of a high-grade bacteremia. The infected fleas do not die, however, and the rat's death forces the infected fleas to find other hosts: other rats, or humans.

Humans are therefore at risk of contracting the plague if they live near or handle plague-infected rats or their recently dead bodies, one of the early observers of plague transmission, observed that handling a rat which has been dead for more than 24 hours did not lead to infection, because the infected fleas had already left the body.

The most famous outbreak of the plague was the Black Death of 1330-1352. This epidemic was spread by the ship rat and its flea, which spread the plague to humans throughout Asia and Europe. The last plague outbreak in the United States was in 1924-1925 in Los Angeles. Since then, human plague has been found as scattered cases in rural areas in the western United States (10-15 cases per year) (Levy 1999). Currently, plague-infected rodents are found in many parts of the world (CDC), but transmission to humans is relatively rare (1,000-3,000 cases per year worldwide). Today, the plague is 100% treatable with antibiotics.


Little Elm is a town located in Denton County, Texas, about 30 miles north of Dallas. The town is a suburb of Dallas and is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.

Little Elm was founded in the early 1800s and was named after a small grove of elm trees that were located along the Elm Fork of the Trinity River. The town has a diverse economy, with major employers including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Little Elm is home to a number of parks and recreational facilities, including Little Elm Park and the Little Elm Rec Center. The town also hosts several annual events, such as the Little Elm Independence Day Celebration and the Little Elm Oktoberfest.

Overall, Little Elm is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history and a range of cultural and recreational offerings

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287




Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent Control & Squirrel Removal problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Squirrel Control Plan today.


Need Squirrel Removal, Exclusion & Prevention ?




Our Friendly Dallas Squirrel Removal Specialists can identify the Problem Areas while providing customer education. Our Individualized Step-by-Step approach to Re-establish Squirrel Control in or around Your Home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely Remove Animals and follow up on our work.



Heard or Found Squirrels in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Animal in the Attic Infestation. Our Squirrel Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations.  

Squirrel Trapping & Control

Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us! We will not only Match Any Competitors Quote but we will beat it by 10% ! Guaranteed. 
Click for info on
Rat Removal if you think the sound you hear isn't Squirrels.

 (469) 609 - 7287


Pest Control squirrel Removal & Squirrel exclusion


There are many reasons people desire to have this pest trapped and removed. Squirrels are usually classified as a pest species due to the annoyance of them trying to live in our  houses.

The most common complaints we get field calls for are:


Squirrels love to live in attics. They also love to chew and will do so on houses or wires, ducts, and pipes once inside an attic. Nobody likes hearing the noises of squirrels in the ceiling, attic or eaves, however the chewing can become a problem. Squirrels often chew on electrical wires in attics, and create fire hazards. Squirrels also bring in nesting material and leave urine and feces in your attic.

Sometimes, squirrels will chose to nest inside chimneys instead of attics. When doing this they can get stuck and frantically scratch, or sometimes even get into the fireplace and inside the house.

The best way to get rid of squirrels in your house is to seal up all entry points. However, it’s not that simple. You won’t want to seal up the entry points while the squirrels are still inside your home, so observing your intruder’s habits will help you decide when to take action. Squirrels are very territorial and difficult to remove once they have created a nest. If you're struggling to removal squirrels on your own, Rapid Rodent Removal has trapping specialists Call Now for help. 

(469) 609 - 7287


pest control squirrel removal

 Zoonotic diseases are infections that animals can pass to people through bites, feces, urine, or external parasites. Probably the best known and most serious of these diseases is rabies, a virus that attacks not only wildlife but people and pets, as well. To be safe, never handle or try to trap an animal that seems to be sick or showing unusual behavior. Leave the procedure to pest management professionals or local animal damage control experts.


Squirrels in your home or walls ? Information

There are 10 species of squirrel in Texas. Only 3, however, are commonly found in the DFW area:

  • Fox Squirrel

  • Southern Flying Squirrel

  • Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel.

Tree squirrels are interesting animals, but in urban and suburban areas they can become pests.

Fox squirrels, the most common of the tree squirrels, are most often seen or heard during the day (although fox squirrels have been occasionally noted to exhibit nighttime activity). Therefore, sounds of running or gnawing coming from the attic during the day often indicate the presence of squirrels whereas running, squealing and gnawing sounds at night generally indicate the presence of rats or raccoons. 

Tree squirrels feed on a variety of material: nuts, fruit, seeds, berries, insects and bark make up the bulk of their diet. They may eat pecans, fruits, berries, bird seed or vegetables in home gardens and, in many cases, this makes it difficult to establish Squirrel Control on your property. Squirrels don't just gather the food they need at that moment -- they gather and stock up for the future. These rodents take up residence in nests that offer storage space, like the hollow of a tree, an empty animal burrow or a house's attic. When a squirrel gathers food like nuts, seeds, acorns and berries, he carries them in his mouth back to his nest, where he stores them. Alternatively, he may bury food in the ground at different places around the neighborhood, where his sense of smell later leads him to unearth it. Click here to read Is a Squirrel a rodent ?

Generally, squirrels live in the holes of tree trunks or in abandon crow’s nests but in suburban areas it is very common for squirrels to nest in soffit holes, attics, or crawl spaces causing extensive damage in those areas. Once inside your home, squirrels may gnaw on and damage electrical wiring, causing fire hazards.

Squirrels breed throughout the year, but breeding peaks occur in July-September and December-February. The young are born in 40-45 days and remain in the nest for about six weeks. During this six week period, they are blind, nearly naked and develop slowly. Their eyes open at five weeks, but they do not climb out of the nest for at least seven or eight weeks. After that, they live in family groups for about a month while they begin foraging for themselves. By the time they are three months old, they can fend for themselves and at six months old they have reached adult size. At ten or eleven months they reach sexual maturity, and the cycle can begin again.

Effective Squirrel Control comes only with knowledge and experience, and Rapid Rodent Removal specializes in both. Call now for a free inspection and effective Squirrel Control.


DSquirrel Removal experts provide solutions to all types of Texas’s Squirrel problems. Squirrels are one of the most common nuisance animals of Dallas Texas that create havoc for homeowners. Squirrels are commonly able to get into homes attics causing major damages for homeowners. Squirrels will often chew holes in soffits, roofs, vents, and destroy insulation. Quick and efficient removal of this pest is necessary to avoid costly damages. We provide services to remove squirrels including squirrel trapping, humane squirrel exclusions, and squirrel control in Dallas, Texas.

Squirrel In Attic

The most common residential squirrel problem of Dallas, Tx are squirrels in the attic. Oftentimes squirrels will take advantage of any small imperfection of a home in order to gain access to an attic. Squirrels will chew holes in the gutter line, roofs, or use a home's vents. Once a squirrel has gained access to an attic they will often chew on electrical wires, soil insulation and will even smash the insulation compromising the heating and cooling factor of the insulation. These pest rodents should never be allowed to stay in your attic. Call a reputable wildlife control company to have the squirrels removed properly. Rapid Rodent Removal provides the most complete effective squirrel control services throughout Collier County, Texas.

Squirrel Exclusion

Squirrel Exclusions are the most humane and effective solution to remove squirrels in an attic or home. An exclusion is the process of removing the squirrels and sealing any vulnerable and possible entry points an animal may use to gain access to the home. During the exclusion process one entry point will be left open to allow the animals to exit the home but does not allow for reentry. Once it has been determined that the attic or home is free of squirrels this last entry point will be sealed. This allows the animals to leave the home safely and naturally without placing any harm or stress on the animal. Squirrel Exclusions are the most humane effective solutions to get rid of squirrels and prevent future infestations of your Dallas, Texas home.

Squirrel Damage

Squirrels are very aggressive chewers that can cause serious damage to a home in a short amount of time. The longer the squirrel is allowed to remain in the home the more extensive the damage will become. Squirrels will damage vents, soffits, roofs, insulation, and may even chew on electrical wires that can become a fire hazard. Squirrels in Attics are a common problem for homeowners of Dallas, Tx. Never use a handyman or pest control company to handle your wildlife problem. The often do not have the proper knowledge or equipment to perform an effective squirrel exclusion. We perform humane, safe, effective squirrel exclusions throughout Dallas, Texas.


Keep rodents from getting reentry into your attic by home improvements and removing squirrel nest


If you are experiencing problems with squirrels and need squirrel removal services contact our office today. Rest assured we can resolve all types of squirrel pest problems.

 Tips to Squirrel Proof Your Home

Practice good sanitation for prevention. Don’t leave pet foods out in the open and keep garbage cans and barbecue grills covered.

 Squirrel proof your trees and shrubs by pruning branches six feet away from the ground and from the roof of your property. Trees that are sufficiently far apart from each other can be squirrel-proofed by fastening a 12-inch-wide band of sheet metal around the trunks six feet from the ground.

 Cage your bulbs by setting metal cages into planting holes. Alternatively, place a wire mesh over the entire bed once you’ve finished planting. To avoid interference with new growth.

 Use barriers for your flowers and vegetables: Various barriers—chicken wire, hardware cloth, 1- to 2-inch metal mesh—can be spread over the ground and cut to fit around plant stems. Or completely cover over newly planted vegetables with a chicken wire fence.

 Set up a diversion feeding station. It can take squirrels just a few minutes to figure out how to break into your bird-feeder, so distract them with their own alternative feeder somewhere else.


Wildlife management nuisance pest trapping or animal trapping exterminators



Squirrel Facts & Identification

Squirrels are generally small animals, ranging in (2.8–3.9 in) in length, and just 10 g (0.35 oz) in weight, to the which is 53–73 cm (21–29 in) long, and weighs from 5 to 8 kg (11 to 18 lb). Squirrels typically have slender bodies with bushy tails and large eyes. Their fur is generally soft and silky, although much thicker in some species than others. The color of squirrels is highly variable between species.


As their large eyes indicate, squirrels generally have an excellent sense of vision, which is especially important for tree-dwelling species. They also have very versatile and sturdy claws for grasping and climbing. Many also have a good sense of touch, with vibrissae on their heads and limbs.


Squirrels breed once or twice a year, and give birth to a varying number of young after three to six weeks, depending on species. Ground and tree squirrels are typically diurnal, while flying squirrels tend to be nocturnal—except for lactating flying squirrels and their offspring which have a period of diurnality during the summer.

Squirrel Removal and Squirrel Proofing

Squirrels, or even one squirrel can be an extreme nuisance to your living environment. Whether they are in your attic or finding their way into your home or office, it is important to get the problem remedied before they become a larger problem.

 Quick Catch offers squirrel removal and squirrel proofing services to Jacksonville and surrounding North Florida areas including Nassau, Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Putnam, and Baker counties.


frequently asked questions by experts about infestations and extermination of flying squirrels, gray squirrel, or other animal wildlife in your house


Squirrels can cause a lot of damage

Squirrels are like rats and mice, and must gnaw on things to wear their teeth down, while destroying electrical wiring, air conditioning duct work and dry wall. Squirrel removal is essential to prevent costly damage in your home or office. At Quick Catch we not only remove the animals, we also offer animal-proofing service to help prevent a re-occurrence.

Squirrels are unsanitary and could cause negative health effects

Squirrels typically leave their feces and urine on the attic insulation and in various places in your home, or office, producing a strong and repulsive smell, and could also cause negative health effects. This smell can increase when a squirrel dies and begins to decompose. The dead animal carcass is covered in parasites and additional odorous bacteria that really need to be removed.

Squirrels carry diseases

Squirrels may look very cute but they are also very dangerous. It is possible for a squirrel to have rabies but very unlikely. Anything large enough to bite a squirrel, that would also carry the rabies virus, would probably just kill that squirrel, rather than infecting them. Be careful! Squirrels can bite.  If bitten by a squirrel, seek medical attention promptly, to prevent the risk of infection. This is another reason why removal is absolutely necessary, and should be delegated to the professionals.

How Do We Remove Squirrels ?

Trapping squirrels is the most effective way to remove them.

Some other wildlife and animal control companies sometimes use other methods for squirrel removal but these other methods are not as effective and sometimes inhumane. Some companies will use poison to kill wildlife and animals that are causing problems, but the animal will probably die in the attic or in a wall, and produce a horrible stench. Then the removal of the dead squirrel carcass will be necessary. Based on our exhaustive research, the squirrel needs to be trapped and then relocated far enough away that it will not come back.

After squirrels are removed, animal repair and intrusion prevention services are recommended

We can assess damage caused by the squirrels and repair holes or gaps, and close off possible entry ways into your home, or attic.

What are ways to Detect A Squirrel Problem?

Seeing squirrels going into the crawl space under your home or business (squirrels can crawl up walls, into the attic, and do significant damage)

Finding feces or urine stains in your attic can be an indicator of a squirrel problem

Hearing noises or rustling in the attic can be an indication that there was or is a squirrel problem

Finding gnawed wiring or air conditioning duct work is a common way to detect there could be a squirrel problem


How long will the process take to trap squirrels?

We are dedicated to resolving your squirrel problem in the most efficient way possible, however the length of time to resolve the problem varies; each squirrel trapping session is different. There are multiple considerations that can effect how long it takes to trap the squirrels


(469) 609 - 7287


Little Elm is a town located in Denton County, Texas, about 30 miles north of Dallas. The town is a suburb of Dallas and is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.

Little Elm was founded in the early 1800s and was named after a small grove of elm trees that once grew near the town. The town has a diverse economy, with major employers including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Little Elm is home to a number of parks and recreational facilities, including Little Elm Park, Frisco Athletic Center, and the Little Elm Beach Park. The town also hosts several annual events, such as the Little Elm Fourth of July Celebration and the Little Elm Oktoberfest.

Overall, Little Elm is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history and a range of cultural and recreational offerings.

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287




Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent & Animal Control problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Dead Animal Removal Plans today. 


Once the clean up is complete, Rapid Rodent Removal wants to make sure you don't end up with Further Problems with Rodent Infestations. We will provide a Full Inspection of your home for Free and recommend a Personalized Plan to help Seal your home and Establish Dallas Rodent Control


Rapid Rodent Removal not only removes the Dead Animals from your home, but is also dedicated to Eliminating Odors, Repairing Damage, Removing Body Fluids or Insects left behind, and Sanitizing the area, Animal in the Attic. When we are finished, it will be like the dead animal was Never there!
Click here for info on Rat Removal

How to get rid of dead animal smell

Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us! Click here for info on Rat Exterminator

(469) 609 - RATS



Wondering how to get rid of dead animal smells? There is no magic spray or device that you can use to make them go away. Perfumes and masking agents won't help. The one and only way to take care of your problem is with removal of the dead animal. Dead animals leave behind a horrendous odor and as the body continues decaying the smell smacks you out of nowhere and becomes more and more noticeable and eventually, unbearable. People quit sleeping in their bedrooms, but the odor is only the first concern when it comes to having a dead animal on your property.

Dead animal remains can bring in other creatures and insects riddled with diseases, thus becoming a serious threat to your property and occupants. With our Dead Animal Removal Services, we will safely remove the dead animal and the associated threats from properties in Dallas and surrounding areas.

We can safely and effectively remove dead animals from your residential or commercial property and help remove any smells due to decomposition.


  • The smell of a decaying animal can spread through your entire home or office 

  • A decaying animal is a serious health risk, especially when the decomposing animal materials are breathed in

  • Dead animals carry diseases, bacteria and other threats that must be eradicated by a professional

  • Dead animals are often found in attics, crawl spaces or inside walls making them difficult to find and reach

  • Dead animals attract scavenger rodents including rats, which can lead to further infestations on your property


A professional service can locate carcasses that are hidden in walls, attics and crawl spaces, as well as repair damage from the decomposition process. When you hire Rapid Rodent Removal, you will receive a full removal service that includes:

  • Finding the dead animal

  • Removing the body along with any fluids and contanmites that are left behind

  • Deodorizing and sanitizing the area to prevent the attraction of other rodents and pests

  • Sealing off points of entry to prevent any further infestations

  • Repairing any damage from the dead animal decomposing

What does rat poop look like ?
What does squirrel poop look like ?
What does raccoon poop look like ?
What does opossum poop look like ?


Little Elm is a town located in Denton County, Texas, about 40 miles north of Dallas. The town is a suburb of Dallas and is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.

Little Elm was founded in the early 1800s and was named after a small grove of elm trees that were located near the town. The town has a diverse economy, with major employers including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Little Elm is home to a number of parks and recreational facilities, including Little Elm Park, Eldorado Park, and the Little Elm Beach. The town also hosts several annual events, such as the Little Elm 4th of July Parade and the Little Elm Community Expo.

Overall, Little Elm is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history and a range of cultural and recreational offerings.





Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent & Animal Control problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Raccoon Removal Plan today. 


Our Friendly Raccoon Removal Specialists can identify the Problem Areas while providing customer education. Our Individualized Step-by-Step approach to Re-establish Raccoon Control in or around Your Home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely Remove Animals and follow up on our work.


Heard or Found Raccoons in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Infestation. Our Raccoon Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations from Animal in the Attic problems.

RACCOON & Animal Trapping Removal Warranty

Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us if you hear raccoon sounds !  

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287


Getting rid of raccoons

Warning – Raccoons, while appearing cute and cuddly, are extremely dangerous wild animals. You should never try to pet, feed, or play with them. They can become aggressive with no warning, especially around their young. Most raccoon injuries sustained by people are due to them trying to interact with the wild animal. If you suspect you have a raccoon in your attic or around your property, please call Wildlife Experts to prevent an attack on you. Call Rapid Rodent Removal for a free consultation today.

What does rat poop look like ?
What does squirrel poop look like ?
What does raccoon poop look like ?
What does opossum poop look like ?

Description Of Wildlife animal called the Raccoon

The raccoon is a medium-sized mammal native to North America. The raccoon is the largest of the procyonid family, having a body length of 40 to 70 cm (16 to 28 in) and a body weight of 5 to 26 kg (11 to 57 lb). Its grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates it against cold weather. Two of the raccoon's most distinctive features are its extremely dexterous front paws and its facial mask. Raccoons are noted for their intelligence, with studies showing that they are able to remember the solution to tasks for up to three years.

We Specialize in the HUMANE REMOVAL and exclusion of RACCOONS from all structure types, no matter the shape or size, when it comes to RACCOONS we've got you covered. Not only do We remove the Raccoon's , we can also in some cases Cleanup the Droppings they leave behind.

The Raccoons pose A Year Round Nuisance and threat to our living conditions since their feces is known to carry RACCOON ROUNDWORM. There feces is NO JOKE. Not to mention the amount of damage they cause to an attic space, they commonly damage A/C Ducts, Depreciate Insulation, Chew Electrical Wires, Defecate Everywhere and much more.

Raccoons like to live in woodland areas near water sources such as streams, marshes, and rivers. Much of their food supplies comes from aquatic invertebrates such as clams, crayfish, turtles, and snails. The masked creatures also eat a large variety of plant-based foods, such as acorns, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and corn.

Urban areas, farms, and suburbs likewise make good homes for raccoons, who have adapted to city life by learning to scavenge from garbage cans, gardens, and crop fields. Wild raccoons typically nest in tree cavities, rock crevices, underground burrows, and the abandoned dens of other animals, such as muskrat lodges. In suburban areas, the animals have been known to seek the shelter of unoccupied buildings.

Raccoons Appearance

The small, stocky animals are covered in gray fur with distinctive black markings in the shape of a bandit's mask around their eyes and rings along their fluffy tails. The animals appear hunched as they walk because their back legs are longer than their front legs. Raccoons have black eyes, short ears, and small black noses at the end of their short, narrow snouts.

(469) 609 - 7287


Raccoons behaviour is to nest in trees or chimneys if the have acesss to the roof

Like most other wildlife that may intrude on your property, there are several health risks that go along with having raccoons in your area, including raccoon poop , urine and feces, raccoon attacks, transmitted diseases, injury to pets and children, destruction of property, and fire hazards.

Raccoons transmit several diseases through their urine and feces, including:

  • Raccoon Roundworm

  • Leptospirosis

  • Salmonella

If you get bit or scratched by a raccoon you should go to a doctor to get checked for rabies immediately as this virus is carried in a raccoons saliva.

Never attempt to remove raccoons from your property alone, especially if the raccoon has babies or is acting in an unusual or aggressive manner. Always call a Wildlife Expert to help determine the best    plan for raccoon removal. Call Rapid Rodent Removal now for a free inspection and individualized raccoon Removal plan.

(469) 609 - 7287




Raccoons are mostly nocturnal animals but may sometimes be heard during the daytime. Baby raccoons are extremely vocal – if you hear growls, a sort of chattering, whistles, screams, hissing, or snarls you probably have a family of raccoons living in your attic. You may also hear a heavy thumping sound. Raccoons are bigger and heavier than rats or squirrels so they will move slower and have a heavier sound.

Raccoons are not considered hibernators, however they become significantly less active beginning around October and only reemerge in early spring. A raccoon’s mating season is from January through March, with a female raccoon giving birth to between 4-6 young. They will begin to hunt for themselves between 9-12 weeks of age but may stay with their mother up to a year old. Be wary of a mother raccoon with her young as she will tend to be extremely aggressive to protect them.

Raccoons are omnivorous and opportunistic so they will eat anything they can get their hands on. It is not uncommon to see raccoons eating fruits, nuts, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs. In urban and suburban areas they are known for foraging in trash cans. Raccoons are also frequently caught eating pet food that is left outside or in garages.

Raccoons usually live in dens that they have made in trees or sewers. However, raccoons are more and more frequently choosing to make their dens in attics as it provides shelter, warmth, and safety for their young and themselves. They will burrow into your insulation, chew on wires, tear holes in the sides of your house, and even come down into your home if you have food that is not tightly stored. They have also been known to make their dens in and around chimneys, which causes several problems including people in the home inhaling urine and feces, or the raccoons getting stuck and dying.

Trash cans Pet Food, Bird Feeders, Chicken Coops and Gardens wont be protected by fences

Fun fact – A raccoon’s paw has an appendage that acts as a thumb so they are able to get into more than you would think!  

Think you have a raccoon in attic or garage? Call us at Rapid Rodent Removal for a free inspection and personalized Raccoon Removal Plan.

(469) 609 - 7287

Dont do-it-yourself hiring a wildlife exterminator for trapping, ticks and attic decontamination at your property

    Is there walking on your roof at night?

    Do you hear banging or something playing in your attic?

    Do you hear chirping from your attic?

    Notice raccoons in your yard?

If so, you might have raccoons in the attic, and very probably likely, some amount of Raccoon damage inside your attic.

Raccoons in the attic can cause thousands of dollars in damage, From soiled insulation, to ripped up ductwork. Piles of fecal matter which will build spores, become absorbed into broken ducts, and enter your living space will cause an illness. The latrines are recommended to be removed. The pheromones will attract other animals inside the attic. Diseases are also always an issue with raccoons living inside the attic. When dealing with raccoons, potential risks such as parasite roundworm and zoonotic diseases can pass from mammal to human. Proper equipment is recommended. In some cases the entire insulation might have to be removed depending on the severity of the problem.


    Raccoons generally give birth during the springtime, but there are cases were it bleeds into summer. The kits will become very active during summer months. It’s always best to have the mother raccoon remove her babies herself, opposed to trapping her then removing the babies. Most of the time the babies will be in the far back corner of an attic. It can be difficult getting to those babies.

    Removing a mother raccoon and leaving her kits inside the attic will cause the kits to scream for their mother. They cause a yelping, chirping sound. If you ignore the babies they will die inside the attic and now you’ll need dead animal removal services. They can be easy or very difficult to find inside the insulation depending where they are located.

Expert wildlife pest animal inspection

Using raccoon eviction fluid is the single best way to remove raccoons in the attic. If you have a pregnant mother raccoon, or a mother already with babies, this method is best for you and the raccoons.Boar male raccoons will kill raccoon kits to stay the dominant raccoon in the neighborhood. Sometimes just a properly placed trap will motivate the mother raccoon to move her family elsewhere.

    Get on the roof and seal up all points of entry except the main one. It’ll have more evidence than the other entry points.

        Give mother raccoon a few days to remove her kits.

    Monitor the main entry to identify if raccoons have left the attic. If the areaway was bothered, the hole can be lightly covered again. If it had not been bothered for three straight days, you have either been successful at getting rid of them or trapping the raccoons inside your attic.

You probably have a raccoon in the attic. But, never discount the fact that it might be an opossum, squirrel or even rats. We get calls all the time when homeowners assume something HUGE is in their attic but we find rats, or squirrels even. Rats have a tendency to chew on light fixtures, pipes, ducting and the like, all which will reverberate to amplify the noise. Most think they’re raccoons in the attic, but really it’s a rodent issue. Look for points of entry, if you don’t have any 2 1/2 inches or bigger, you most likely have rodents.

“Trap mother raccoon”

This method can be accomplished but I recommend hiring your local wildlife operator as you need the proper equipment and knowledge to do so.

    Listen for babies, they chirp, and believe me when I say this, you will notice.

    Find the point of entry and set a trap as close as possible- button up the trap against the hole if you can.

    If you trapped a mother raccoon, it’s crucial to go inside the attic to remove the babies.


    If you can’t set a trap near the point of entry then lay a trap near the tree or fence that leads to the roof.

Raccoons are adaptive to their surroundings and human neighbors. They have learned that garbage cans and dumpsters are excellent sources of food, and that attics and chimneys make an excellent habitat. Raccoons have narrow hips and flexible rib cages that allow them to enter holes only 4.5 inches in diameter; enabling them to breach your home or building through soffits, roof vents, attic fans, roof boards, and utility lines. A mother raccoon will often tear a hole in a roof to access an attic, where she and her litter will cause quite a lot of damage and make a lot of noise. Raccoons are also very strong animals; tearing insulation off pipes, destroying ductwork, breaking screen doors to access pet food, and they can use their thin, nimble hands to manipulate a variety of items, including turning handles, opening cans, untying knots and unwrapping objects.

Raccoons are common carriers of rabies and leptospirosis, a bacterial disease caused from contaminated water, food, or soil containing feces or urine from infected animals. They also can carry canine distemper, which can harm or kill your dog. Raccoon feces may also contain roundworm, which, if the spores are inhaled by humans, can cause serious infection or in rare cases death. Raccoons have been known to occasionally contaminate swimming pools by defecating and urinating in them. Even if a particular raccoon is not carrying any of these diseases, there is always the possibility of getting scratched or bitten. When it comes to raccoons, it is best to leave it to the professionals for safe removal and exclusion

Feeding habits
Raccoons can feed on almost anything, but they are more fond of creatures that are mostly found in water like crayfish, clams, fish, snails and frogs.

They also like to eat insects, birds, birds’ eggs, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. They are great climbers and can easily get inside your house. When present in an urban area, they can often be seen eating pet food, garbage, squirrels, mice and rats.

You will can be sure of a raccoon’s presence whenever you notice raided garbage cans, damaged gardens (especially the vegetable plots), scraped out freshly laid sod, holes dug in your lawn or hollowed out watermelons.

Nesting pattern
During the spring time, the problems from this animal become more eminent, as it is their nesting season. In the quest of a nice warm den, they may often enter the attic of your house or an uncapped chimney.

Even if you have adequate safety measures to protect your house from raccoons, they will find a way in if they wish to do so. If they are living in your attic, they may ruin your insulation, damage the electric wiring, leave strong odors and litter the floors.


Little Elm is a city located in Denton County, Texas, about 35 miles northwest of Dallas. The city is a suburb of Dallas and is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.

Little Elm was founded in the early 1800s and was named after a small group of elm trees near the town's original site. The city has a diverse economy, with major employers including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Little Elm is home to a number of parks and recreational facilities, including Little Elm Park, McCord Park, and Eldorado Park. The city also hosts several annual events, such as the Little Elm BBQ Cook-Off and the Little Elm Independence Day Celebration.

Overall, Little Elm is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history and a range of cultural and recreational offerings.

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287





Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent & Opossum Removal problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Animal in the Attic Opossum Control Plan today. 

OPOSSUM Trapping

Our Friendly Opossum Removal Specialists can identify the Problem Areas while providing customer education. Our Individualized Step-by-Step approach to Re-establish Opossum Control in or around Your Home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely Remove Animals and follow up on our work.


Heard or Found Opossums in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Infestation. Our Opossum Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations.


Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us! 

Click here to see Opossum Poop
Click here for info on
Squirrel Removal

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287


Getting rid of opossums

If you suspect you have an opossum living on your property somewhere, don’t worry! They are essentially harmless, and they are actually great rodent and snake deterrents. Surprised? They look so mean, don’t they? Well, don’t discount the value of a Wildlife Expert in the case of an opossum just yet. If you have an opossum in your attic it didn’t make the hole to get in by itself, it only Found the hole made by another animal. And if the opossum is living under a shed, patio, or log, chances are that would also make a great home for another, less desirable animal. So, a Wildlife Expert’s role in the case of an opossum is to inspect your attic and property to find possible evidence of other animals living where they shouldn’t be, secure any possible entry points, and generally make sure your property is as impenetrable as possible by any unwanted guests – sorry, this doesn’t include the in-laws! If you’ve found an opossum or suspect one to be on your property, give Rapid Rodent Control a call to receive a free inspection and individualized plan!

(469) 609 - 7287

With that said, here are some facts about opossums for your enjoyment!



The opossum is America’s only marsupial; you heard right – a marsupial. That’s like kangaroos and koalas. Marsupials are mammals that carry their babies in a pouch. This pouch is capable of closing so tightly that the mother opossum can even go swimming without her babies getting wet. As the babies grow and begin to venture out of the pouch they will cling to their mother’s back using their 4 paws and their tail. Opossums are nature’s minivan.

Opossums are solitary, except in the case of a mother and her babies. They are nomadic, not spending more than a few nights in any one place, except – of course – in the case of a mother and her babies. If she is left undisturbed, she and her young may stay for a longer period of time.

Opossums are omnivores which means that they will eat anything they can find. This includes your pet food and garbage, so one way to avoid having opossums visit your property is to keep pet food well sealed and to have a lid on your garbage, only putting it out for collection the morning of trash day. They will also eat fruit, nuts, berries, fish, snakes, and rodents. What? Snakes and rodents? Yes! This is what makes them pretty useful to have around. Opossums are completely immune to all types of snake venom so they will eat snakes and also eat rats and mice. They do not store their food like squirrels do, so they must hunt nightly for it. Although they are nocturnal, you may see them during the day if their food sources have been scarce.

While opossums may look mean and scary, they are actually pretty handy to have around and won’t stay for long. However, if you have one living in your attic or under a shed or patio give Rapid Rodent Removal a call so we can inspect your home to make sure there are no other problems, now or in the future. Call today – it’s free!

(469) 609 - 7287

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287


Wildlife Removal

We attempt to raise abandoned animals until they are able to be released into the wild while doing wildlife removal Dallas, and while sometimes a mother raccoon dies in the attic or a mother opossum is found dead under the home.  Once we provide dead animal removal we will take the orphaned babies animals to a local organization that excels in rehabilitation, for most Animal in the Attic problems. 

We know the animals have lived here long before we built on their land.  It is not the animal's fault our home looks like a safe place for them to live.  However, we also know that these animals cause damage and spread diseases.  We will live trap and relocate all native wildlife.


Squirrel and Raccoon humane pest removal and wildlife removal & relocation

Wildlife control and animal removal experts from Complete Animal Removal humanely traps and/or removes skunks, raccoons, opossums, birds, snakes, lizards, armadillos, moles, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, beavers, flying squirrels, muskrats, foxes, coyotes, snapping turtles, nutria and any other nuisance wildlife.


What does rat poop look like ?
What does squirrel poop look like ?
What does raccoon poop look like ?
What does opossum poop look like ?

Animal entry points found and closed

When you hear scratching noises in the attic, a Wildlife Removal inspection will do a thorough inspection of your home to find out how the animals got in. Once we have trapped the animals out of the attic we will close off all entry points with superior products to ensure the nuisance animals do not return. We never use foam for squirrels, rats, raccoons, opossums, skunks, mice, flying squirrels, chipmunks or any other nuisance animal that can easily chew through it. 

We approach animal exclusions with a mindset as if your home was our home.  Once we have completed the exclusions, each entry point that was closed should look like part of your home or business. When you look at your home and ask “What did you do?” we take that as a compliment. Home repairs for animal entry points should never be an eyesore.


We pride ourselves on using the best materials and professional crafted work on all exclusions. However, we know everyone has different taste and if there is anything you do not like about our work, we will fix it to your standards.


Nuisance Animal Prevention Preventing future animal infestations

Have you had reoccurring animal problems? Scratching in the attic again and again? Complete Animal Removal has solutions to keep animals from infesting your home year after year. We use a multifaceted approach to solving repeat animal infestations. 

  1. Humane live trapping and relocation over 20 miles away so the animals will not return.

  2. Full home exclusions using only concrete and metal based products. We never use foam.

  3. Treatments and animal feces cleanup to remove the pheromones which will get rid of the attraction animals of the same species have on your home or building.

  4. Repellants can be applied to prevent animals from making new entry points.


Warranties available

Our full home exclusions come with a one-year guarantee. We also have warranties available to extend the piece of mind for as long as you want. 

All entry points we close off come with our guarantee. We also offer monthly programs to guarantee your entire house. Since animals can chew their way through materials like wood and soffit we need to service your home or building on a monthly basis to make sure your house stays animal free.

Information on wildlife control & animal infestations

When Rapid Rodent Removal sends a Wildlife Expert out to your home, he doesn't come with a one-size-fits-all plan to offer you. Our Experts will conduct a thorough Home Inspection of your attics, crawl spaces, and exterior of your house in order to assess the problem and find possible solutions. We will take into account all presenting evidence found in and around your home and factor in your reports of sounds, smells, sightings, etc., in order to formulate a Custom Rodent Removal Plan that includes:

Decontamination for nuisance Animals wildlife

  • Resolving the Wildlife Problem

  • Sanitizing and Deodorizing Your Home

  • Repairing any damage to wires, ducts, interior walls, insulation, etc.

  • Preventing future issues by sealing up any possible entry points on the exterior of your home

  • Providing Customer Education throughout the entire process to empower you to maintain rodent control on your property

Here's a look into the mind of our experts and a sneak peek at what you will see when they arrive at your door:

Our company provides inspections for nuisance wild animal & wildlife management including animal trapping


Most of the calls we get are because homeowners hear animals scurrying around inside the attic or walls. Most of the damage inside a houes or attic is unseen. Rodents like squirrels, mice, and rats often chew on electrical wires. Wildlife such as raccoons, bats, birds, opossums, and rats spread several diseases that humans can and do catch, such as Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, Leptospirosis and more. Many critters leave droppings and urine in an attic or cause mold or odor problems. We also handle animals outside the house. It could be a critter that has dug a large hole next to your house, or a raccoon in your garbage cans, an opossum that is stealing pet food, or a skunk living under your deck, causing an odor problem. Some animals destroy your garden or landscaping. Or perhaps you are simply scared of snakes. Whatever the problem is, our wildlife experts can remove the source of the problem, and prevent it from happening again. We are not a Dallas extermination company, nor pest control. We are dedicated Dallas wildlife control experts.

Raccoon Removal - Raccoons commonly live in the attic, where they cause damage. They can also cause many problems outside.

Rat Extermination - We solve rat and mouse problems PERMANENTLY, by finding and sealing shut any and all rat entry holes.

Opossum Control - We have a 100% success rate safely removing Dallas   bats from buildings, and we guarantee our work.

Squirrel and Rodent Removal - For any critter, such as squirrels in the attic, we remove them, repair damage, & clean.


We believe we are Dallas   City's best. We do a complete job, from start to finish. We remove wildlife humanely and effectively. When we encounter animals inside a house, we inspect every part of the house, from ground to roof, to identify all the areas of entry, and we perform professional repairs, with guarantee. We inspect inside the attic to find any damage, and provide full cleaning services. We offer attic restoration, permanent rodent control, bat colony exclusion, bird prevention, snake removal, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We are fully Dallas   licensed and insured, and ready to solve your Dallas critter problem. Call us any time for a phone consulation and price quote.


There are four basic ways to clean wild animal waste in your attic , these are:

• Vacuuming,

• Removal of animal waste,

• Attic fogging, and

• Attic restoration

Removal of animal wastes from your Dallas bird control attic – This is the first step in the cleanup of wild animal waste in your attic. Physical removal of animal waste is important especially when the numbers of animals have multiplied over the years. Raccoons, squirrels and several other common rats usually leave rat droppings in places where they have Dallas bird control infested. Large animal droppings must be removed with hand but you must wear gloves and special clothing. Animals always make a mess of attics, and such mess will often trigger a massive offensive odour, hence such droppings can constitute serious health problems especially when they become breathing grounds for worms, hence the area must be sprayed with appropriate chemicals to ensure that transmittable diseases are not spread to humans.

If animal wastes are not removed, they can cause gastro-intestinal disorders kidney problems, diarrhea, and other problems. Attic Vacuuming – the second procedure in the cleaning of animal waste in your attic is vacuuming. Vacuuming wild animal droppings is needed because some micro-droppings may not be physically removed by hand. Smaller Dallas rodent extermination droppings left by rats, bats, birds and squirrels can be easily missed by the physical eyes. Wild animals have powerful metabolisms that allow them excrete huge volumes of droppings on daily basis, and the fact that wild animals multiply rapidly also ensure that they accumulate wastes easily. You should consider running a commercial vacuuming through the attic to remove as many as Dallas rodent extermination animal droppings as possible. You should also consider smaller size vacuum devices that allow you reach wider places in the attic. You should avoid using a vacuum of 50 feet in size, because it wouldn’t allow you vacuum areas close to the insulation without sucking up insulating materials.

Attic fogging is an essential procedure in animal waste removal from the attic Dallas bat removal because some animals run through the attic insulation, by creating hole tunnels under it. Animals also run through wooden beams, wires, pipes and other components of the attic, and they can easily rub the greases and oil in their fur against such components. Many animals also use their special scents to mark their territory around the attics, for instance , one of the ways of identifying the presence of rats in Dallas bat removal your attic is their special pheromone scent . In order to remove these scents , greases and oil, you need to apply special fogging materials such as “ Bio-shield”. Fogging agents will remove all bio-hazards from animal urine and fecal materials, likewise they will help Dallas raccoon removal remove the offence odours they produce.

One of the best fogging materials you should consider using is the electrically-operated fogging machine that blast fine mist of fogging chemicals that can reach all the nooks and crannies of your attic, and the Dallas raccoon removal procedure takes few minutes. Fogging chemicals are harmful to wild animals but not harmful for humans and pets. An ideal fogging material does not cause any damage to any component of the attic- including the insulation, wires, and wooden beams. Spraying with fogging materials is an important process in the removal of animal waste at home. Attic restoration is the final procedure you must carry out Dallas snake removal once you have thoroughly cleaned your attic. Attic restoration will help you repair and replace any damage that has been caused by wild life. Removal of nesting materials and debris such as the food, urine hair, oils, and fur that can damage some sensitive components of the attic , is important.

Raccoons can tear your attic ducts, or even rip off the Dallas snake removal insulation paper in the attic, thereby exposing them to damages. Rodents include rats and squirrels can produce scattered pellets within the attics and that can rub against some attic materials, making them easily destroyed in certain weather conditions. Attic ducts and insulation papers are just few of the things you need to restore once cleanup is completed. Attic restoration simply means restoring your home’s attic into a completely new and clean condition, hence it can be done at the beginning of the cleanup process or after other cleaning processes. Lots Dallas rat control of animal feces in and around the insulation can damage it, likewise growth of mold around the attic can lead to contamination. You need to remove pathogens such as roundworm, and other parasites that can cause health hazard to humans and pets, and you also need to remove pheromone scents that can attract other wild animals to your home. You will need an HEPA filter mask when performing clean up procedures Dallas rat control such as Fogging and restoration. In some cases, your home insurance may cover the costs of hiring a professional home cleaning agency, otherwise you have to work out the costs of performing such operations.


Little Elm is a city located in Denton County, Texas, about 35 miles northwest of downtown Dallas. The city is a suburb of Dallas and is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.

Little Elm was founded in the mid-19th century and was named after a small grove of elm trees in the area. The city has a diverse economy, with major employers including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Little Elm is home to a number of parks and recreational facilities, including Little Elm Park and the Little Elm Beach on Lake Lewisville. The city also hosts several annual events, such as the Little Elm Crawfish Festival and the Little Elm Independence Day Celebration.

Overall, Little Elm is a vibrant and diverse community with a rich history and a range of cultural and recreational offerings.

Crawl space? Challenge Accepted!                     


Snake Removal

Rapid Rodent Removal is a Full Service Wildlife Management Firm that applies Innovative Environmentally-Responsible Techniques for handling Nuisance Rodent & Animal Control problems.  Don't buy into the panic & fear while getting taken advantage of with a one-sized fits all mentality that other companies offer. Ask about our Individualized Snake Control Plan today.


Our Friendly Snake Removal Specialists can identify the Problem Areas while providing customer education. Our Individualized Step-by-Step approach to Re-establish Snake Control in or around Your Home includes Damage Prevention, and Repair Recommendations. We humanely Remove Animals in attic and follow up on our work.


Heard or Found Snakes in Your Home & Attic? That doesn't necessarily mean you have an Infestation. Our Snake Control Experts have Techniques and Products to save you thousands when Treating or Preventing future Infestations.


Our Competitive Pricing is another great reason to choose us! We will not only Match Any Competitors Quote but we will beat it by 10%! Guaranteed. Plus, get Follow-Up visits at no extra cost. Click here for a rodent exterminator

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287


Getting rid of snakes


Texas is home to 11 different venomous snakes & hundreds of non-venomous types of snakes. Snakes are beautiful, but are also very dangerous, especially when in your backyard. 

Snakes are attracted to residential homes for a variety of reasons. Rapid Rodent Removal urges homeowners to maintain a safe distance from any snakes outside their home. To ensure safety while crawling under houses doing Dead Animal Removal in Dallas, its important you take your time, because sneaking up on a snake is a situation that no one wants to be in, whether it be a tight attic or a restricted crawl space under your house. 

Prevention is the key when dealing with snakes. Our Dallas Rat Removal will safely remove snakes from your property & review snake prevention options with you. Call Rapid Rodent Removal for any snake removal problems you have!

RAPID RODENT REMOVAL (469) 609 - 7287


Rodent Control Tips To Help You Avoid getting a Rat Infestations from a rat exterminator.

Once you’ve rid your home of the dreaded roof rat and the norway rat, keep them out by checking the following around your home:

If you think they have progressed past a small amount of rats, to an rat infestation will determine a lot, click on the box below for an attic inspection checklist

Rat Exterminator near me

One of your first indications of a rat infestation may be the appearance of pellet-sized dropping in your home and attic. These feces are a good indicator of how long your problem has been there, with fresh droppings appearing very dark and soft. After 4-5 days, the droppings will lose their color and harden. While there are 40 – 50 species of rats and mice in Texas alone, you are most likely to find Roof Rats and/or Norway Rats causing problems in and around your home. Rats can be incredibly destructive house guests, creating problems seen and unseen, such as:

  • Destroying the insulation in your attic

  • Leaving feces and urine in your attic and walls

  • Chewing on wires and ducting in your attic

  • Spreading diseases to you, your family, and your pets

Because of their prolific breeding habits and their destructive nature, it is important to have any rat problem taken care of immediately. Call us now for a free inspection of your home.

(469) 609 - RATS



Contamination of food and disease transmission are two major concerns with rat infestations. Rats will contaminate your food with feces and urine while searching for something to eat which transmits diseases to humans and pets. Rat mites, fleas and lice can also carry diseases and will infect animals and people.

The CDC lists several rodent-transmitted diseases, including:

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

  • Murine typhus

  • Rat-bite fever

  • Leptospirosis

  • Eosinophilic meningitis

  • Several bacterial infections including Salmonella and Listeriosis

Control of rats and eradication of infestations should decrease the chance of exposure to these diseases and reduce the risk of infection.



Rats are nocturnal creatures, so most people who have a rat infestation report hearing squeaking, scratching, gnawing, and digging noises at night. These sounds often come from the attic due to the rats burrowing in the insulation to nest, however, it is not uncommon to hear the noises in your walls, kitchen, laundry rooms, garage, and in the areas where pet food is stored.

Rats access your attic in search of a warm, quiet, safe place to nest and reproduce. Once a rat has taken up residency inside your attic the problem can quickly get out of hand. A female rat can have 6-12 babies per litter and have up to 7 litters a year. A baby rat reaches sexual maturity at just 2-3 months. This means that in the span of a year, one pair of rats can produce up to 15,000 descendants.

Rats are omnivores and will feed on almost anything available to them. Pet food can be a huge draw for rodents of all types so it is important to keep it in tightly sealed containers. They typically leave their nests at night in search of food, feeding on plants, nuts, seeds, berries, vegetables, meats, and fruits.

A rat’s teeth continue to grow throughout their lifetime, so rats will gnaw on anything around them to grind their teeth down. This is why rats will chew through wires in your attic, behind your refrigerator, washer and dryer, or inside your walls. They will also chew through your duct work in your attic in search of heat in the winter or cool air in the summer. This increases the chance of spreading airborne diseases through your house and also increases your monthly heating and cooling bill depending on the size of the hole they have chewed.

If you’re hearing rodent activity inside your walls or attic, it’s important to call and schedule an inspection. Our trained inspectors will be able to determine if or how bad the infestation is and the best rat removal approach. Don’t be afraid, we haven’t adopted the one-sized-fits-all mentality plaguing other companies in the rodent removal industry. Rapid Rodent Removal utilizes experience and a personalized approach to reestablish rat control in your home and property. Call Now to schedule a free inspection. 

Mice Exterminator


Exterminators understanding species of rat or rodents behavior can prevent an infestation in your house

Removing mice infestations can sometimes be as easy as setting a mouse trap; but a larger mice infestation can be a complicated issue. Mice especially can be very tricky to catch, they are very fast and very smart, they are known to avoid traps and jump over Glue Boards. Most people don’t even realize they have mice or a mice infestation until things get bad. The most obvious signs of a mouse problem are their droppings. Some other signs of a mice infestation, you may notice chewed up food packages or pieces of your wall along the floor from the mice having drilled through them. You may hear scratching in your walls or attic at night.Our Mice Exterminator has the knowledge of  How to Get Rid of Mice.

We are not only rat exterminators who do rat control and rat removal 

How Rapid Rodent Removals Mice Exterminators Work

Wondering if you need an expert to handle your mouse problem? With our Mouse Exclusion Service you will receive a long-term solution. Our team of mice exterminators provides the most successful mouse control services in the Minneapolis area.  Our goal as pest experts is not only to solve your mice problem—but to keep them from coming back. Your service will include:

  • Inspect your home to identify the source of infestation.

  • Identify possible barriers that will prevent the success of control.

  • Create a detailed mouse control and prevention plan, tailored to your goals and your home’s needs.

  • Place tamper-proof, locked bait stations that require a special key to open. The bait cannot be shaken out, providing safety to your family and pets.

  • Seal your foundation with contractor-grade materials, to prevent additional mice from entering.

Is a Mice Exterminator Worth It?

While mice themselves are generally harmless, they are known carriers of a variety of pests and diseases that in some cases may be harmful to you, your family or pets. Mice can contaminate food and food preparation areas by coming into contact with them or leaving droppings.

Although not as common, their droppings can also cause asthma, especially in individuals that are sensitive. In rare cases, a bite from a mouse can result in rat-bite fever, a potentially deadly disease if not treated. Equally important, mice, especially mice entering your home from outside, are known carriers of fleas who carry a wide variety of parasites and diseases. Regardless of their mostly harmless presence, you may not want to share your home with them. So yes, it’s worth having our mice exterminators visit your home.

Get and expert inspection for Mice, house mouse, and mose removal and other rodents in your house

The most successful and permanent solution for mouse control in your Minneapolis home is to prevent them from entering in the first place! By eliminating all openings through which they can enter a structure, you will have a long-term solution.

Doing it yourself can be costly and time-consuming — our experts spend an average of 4 hours on each seal-up and use a variety of contractor-grade materials. Unless you are experienced in-home repair, this could easily take a day of your time plus the dollars spent on necessary items.

We also do mice control mice extermination and mice removal service

Here are the steps we take to make sure you have a long-term solution to your mouse problem. (Read how our experts remove mice from your home for good.)

We conduct a thorough inspection to find where the mice are getting in and how best to eliminate the current population.

Seal up any possible entry point on the exterior of your home ¼ of an inch or larger as part of our Stage 2.

Use high-quality commercial-grade products including flashing, concrete, copper mesh and elastic sealant, which moves and shifts with the structure. 

Rat or mice Exterminator Cost

Factors That Affect Rat Extermination Pricing

Many factors go into determining the price of rat extermination, which is why pest control companies usually perform an inspection before providing a cost estimate. Here are a few factors that may impact the price of rodent control, in regards to roof rats.

Professional rat extermination tends to cost between $300-500 for trapping, However, extermination prices could be as high as $1,500 or more depending on the size of your rat infestation, and the scope of work needed to be done to repair your home and warranty our work.

We offer full-service treatments to get rid of your rodent issue, which typically include getting rid of the rats or mice, some clean-up services, and sealing any entry holes around your home.

Location of the Infestation

If an infestation is in an out-of-the-way or difficult-to-reach place, it will be harder to treat. While it’s hard to say exactly how much extermination will cost based on the location, know that infestations in an outdoor space or in occupied interior rooms of the house like a kitchen or bathroom will be on the lower end of the pricing spectrum. Alternatively, infestations under foundations, in ceilings, under floorboards, or in heating ducts are likely to be on the higher end.

Severity of the Infestation

The number of rats you’re dealing with also factors into the price to get rid of them. Larger infestations will take more time and money to remove. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine the extent of a rat problem until an exterminator has actually set the traps. The most severe infestations will likely cost over $1,000 to remove.

Some experts recommend placing at least three traps in your home for every rodent. If you’re dealing with a large infestation, your home could quickly become overrun with traps, which you would have to check and empty frequently. If you don’t want to have traps all over your home, or you’re worried about your children or pets getting into traps, consider hiring a professional rat exterminator.

Custom Rodent Removal Plan

When Rapid Rodent Removal sends a Wildlife Expert out to your home, he doesn't come with a one-size-fits-all plan to offer you. Our Experts will conduct a thorough Home Inspection of your attics, crawl spaces, and exterior of your house in order to assess the problem and find possible solutions. We will take into account all presenting evidence found in and around your home and factor in your reports of sounds, smells, sightings, etc., in order to formulate a Custom Rodent Removal Plan that includes:

  • Resolving the Wildlife Problem

  • Sanitizing and Deodorizing Your Home

  • Repairing any damage to wires, ducts, interior walls, insulation, etc.

  • Preventing future issues by sealing up any possible entry points on the exterior of your home

  • Providing Customer Education throughout the entire process to empower you to maintain rodent control on your property

Here's a look into the mind of our experts and a sneak peek at what you will see when they arrive at your door:

Crawl space? Challenge Accepted!